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Philosophy of Teaching 


Education is vital to the advancement of every individual within society.  In order to be a functioning member of society people must be able to perform specific skills that will allow them to be gainfully employed and sustain themselves and/or family. I believe everyone deserves to recieve a quality education and learn relevant material that will enhance their lives. I feel obligated to continue to position myself in such a way that I will be able to share my knowledge with others through varying avenues (multimedia, workshops, seminars, video conferencing, for hire consulting, etc.). By doing so it will be my mission to inform people of all the possible education avenues that are available. 



Technology is the main platform to disseminating information and offering learning environments to a plethora of people. Technology will continue to evolve and we must adapt and learn effective ways to infuse technology into the overall education process. Technology is not a replacement for teaching or learning but rather a useful, helpful supplement to both traditional and non-traditional instruction. It is my endeavor to find innovative and relevant strategies to incorporate technology tools, application, and devices in learning. 



Progression is embedded in the journey to offering education opportunities to children, parents, co-eds, returning students, and even the elderly population. Progression and growth within the constructs of our education system is vital! I believe that the promotion of education at all levels is essential to rendering able, competent, and rational individuals within society. 



Teaching Goals


I aspire to be competant and stay abreast of content in my subject area(s). I will endeavor to always be enthusiastic, focused, and fair. The goals and objecctives for my current and future learners will be clear and concise. I will incorporate relevant uses of technolgy and technolgy tools to enhance concepts, theories, group work, projects, and experiential learning opportunites. 


My goal is to inspire students to use what they learn in the classroom outside of the learning environment setting. I will always aim to support student centered and self learning methods. It is imperative that I seek to motivate learners by balancing engagement, activity, and time managemant skills. 


It is my goal to readily adapt to the learning styles of my students. I will make all efforts toward providing information that is relevant, thought provoking, and conducive to the material my students are required to learn. 











“Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.” ― John Dewey

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